This recipe was given to me by my mom who has made these since I was a kid. Feel free to substitute other veggies. I don't like green peppers, so I leave them out. Don't worry, the food police won't knock on your door and take you away!
Open Jar Refrigerator Pickles
4 cups unpeeled sliced cucumbers (1/8" to 1/4" thick)
2 cups sliced onion
2 cups sliced green pepper
Put in a gallon jar and then mix together:
4 TBSP canning salt
2 TBSP celery seeds
2 cups white vinegar
4 cups granulated sugar
Put this mixture over the veggies in the jar and refrigerate. On day two, shake the mixture to make sure everything is mixed and dissolved. They last in the refrigerator 6-8 months. Ready to eat in two days.
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