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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Open Jar Pickles

This recipe was given to me by my mom who has made these since I was a kid.  Feel free to substitute other veggies.  I don't like green peppers, so I leave them out.  Don't worry, the food police won't knock on your door and take you away!

Open Jar Refrigerator Pickles

4 cups unpeeled sliced cucumbers (1/8" to 1/4" thick)
2 cups sliced onion
2 cups sliced green pepper

Put in a gallon jar and then mix together:

4 TBSP canning salt
2 TBSP celery seeds
2 cups white vinegar
4 cups granulated sugar

Put this mixture over the veggies in the jar and refrigerate.  On day two, shake the mixture to make sure everything is mixed and dissolved.  They last in the refrigerator 6-8 months.  Ready to eat in two days.


Raised Bed Garden 2012

Hello Fellow Foodies!

First let me apologize for not adding to this blog in a more frequent manner.  It has been a busy couple of months.  However, I am ready to get things rolling again.  I planted a wonderful little raised bed garden in my backyard this spring and so far the harvest has been wonderful.  I am picking summer squash, zucchini, onions, radishes and lettuce on a regular basis.  The tomatoes are on the way, but have not yet ripened.  I planted some of those small cucumbers that are used for pickles and seem to get 8 or 10 per week.  I have been slicing them along with the onions and making a refrigerator bread and butter pickle that is wonderful on a hot summer day.  They last for 6 to 8 months (of course as yummy as they are, they don't last that long).  I am including the recipe for you to give it a try.